Corporate Bits

Sands China commends gov’t for new culture city award

With the SAR having been named a Culture City of East Asia 2025, after scoring first place in the award’s final assessment, Sands China Ltd. has voiced its enthusiasm for – and reiterated the company’s commitment to – the growth of cultural tourism in Macau.

“We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Macau on its designation as a Culture City of East Asia 2025, and we are tremendously proud of Macau’s continued success and recognition under the leadership of the Macau SAR government,” said Wilfred Wong, executive vice-chairman of Sands China Ltd.

“Macau has a long history of cultural exchange spanning more than 400 years, and this new title is set to further boost the city’s international reputation,” he added.

Sands China Ltd. has further pledged its commitment to leveraging the city’s role as an international platform, so as to bolster, among other things, international artistic and cultural exchange.

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