Social welfare | IAS supports elderly woman whose story was portrayed on TV

The Social Welfare Bureau (IAS) responded yesterday to a case reported by Lotus TV of a 80-year old woman living alone without running water at home, saying that it is paying attention to the problems of elderly people in the MSAR.
The report showed the woman sourcing her drinking water from car parks.
The IAS’ Elderly Service Division, along with the staff of ‘Home Care and Support Team’ of the Center for Special Care Rejuvenescer, have been closely following the case. On August 3, IAS said, “social workers of the bureau, together with the team referred, have visited the elderly woman in order to establish a trusting relationship that enables the monitoring of her situation, and to provide the needed support and assistance.”
The IAS reiterated that it has over the years deployed five support teams to provide essential services to elderly folk in need, such as meals, cleaning services and assistance with medical appointments.  RM

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