Supermarkets apologize for incorrect sale prices

Two supermarket chains, San Miu and Royal have apologized to public for pricing vegetables and fruits incorrectly, as was revealed by online posts.

Some residents published a Facebook post on Sunday which shows that San Miu Supermarket was selling a Chinese Cabbage for MOP100. Other residents posted online that Royal Supermarket was selling four Zespri gold kiwifruits for MOP209.

The Macau Consumer Council (CC) and The Economic and Technological Development Bureau (DSEDT) expressed significant concerns on learning of these posts, and pursued the matter with the supermarkets immediately.

San Miu Supermarket explained that due to the staff error, the Chinese Cabbage was set at a price of MOP15 per 100 grams instead of MOP1.5 per 100 grams.

“During the pandemic, all industries are facing challenges and pressures, as well as supermarkets,” the San Miu Supermarket added.

Meanwhile, Royal Supermarket responded that an employee of their own accidently put the price tag of MOP 209 on the package of four Zespri gold kiwifruits.

Royal Supermarket offered a sincere apology to the public, stating, “we didn’t want to deliberately cause any misunderstanding, and we will do our best in the future to prevent similar incidents from happening.”

The CC and the DSEDT said it will continue to conduct inspections and stressed that the retail industry, including supermarkets, must ensure each process is accurate and the prices of the goods are clearly stated, to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings. Staff reporter

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