Bizcuits: Niche idea

One of those statistics in Macau that isn’t what it is: unemployment, 1.7% (Q3)! MDT’s award- winning cartoonist with an eye to the absurd saw the jocularity in the topic (MDT

Bizcuits | Multitask, man.

We have long been encouraged to multitask. Parallel activity was supposed to be more productive than activity in series. It certainly works for production lines, and most mums wouldn’t survive

Bizcuits: Don’t hold your breath

The gaming industry is big in Asia – we in Macau think we know this. So coming as a shock to those in the know was the fact that Gaming

Bizcuits | Are you being served?

Governance is often not well understood by the average man on the street but what we frequently take for granted in the structure and norms of organisations are mechanisms to


There’s no doubt about it, my behaviour feels more controlled in Macau than in most places I’ve been. Not that I’m much of a wild thing, but it would have

Bizcuits: Newbies

“How long have you been in Macau?” appears an innocent enough question but can be heavily laden with judgement depending upon the answer and enquirer. It’s fulfilling to know one’s

Bizcuits: The problem with ethics

Talk about ethics in business in Macau and you’re likely to be met with a wry smile and a look that reads “oh, you’re a naïve one, aren’t you.” Elsewhere,

Bizcuits: How lucky

Many expatriates and foreign residents come to the point early in our stay where we have to make a decision about hiring domestic help.  My problem wasn’t so much about

Bizcuits: Building Pride

It seems we are at risk of losing faith in our tertiary institutions. In terms of the fabric of such an organisation, there are a multitude of destructive forces: administrative

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