Xi’s visit to Hungary, Serbia brings new Chinese investment and deeper ties to Europe’s doorstep

When Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Hungary last week, he arrived to one of the few places in the European Union where his country is considered an indispensable ally

Hungary and China working together to raise their ‘homecoming’ relations to new heights

The “welcome home” greeting Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban extended to visiting Chinese President Xi Jinping upon his arrival at Budapest Airport on Wednesday night highlights the friendly

President Xi concludes a five-day visit to Europe

Chinese President Xi Jinping left Hungary on Friday, concluding a tour of three European nations meant to meant to reinforce China’s growing influence on the

Xi and Serbian president Vucic hail ‘ironclad’ friendship

Chinese President Xi Jinping met yesterday with the Serbian president, with both sides expressing optimism that the visit will further boost the “ironclad” friendly relations between

Sino-French ties bridging East-West differences

Pandas are a rare species found only in China. But the West first learned about the panda through French missionary Armand David more than 150 years ago. This

Xi visits Pyrenees mountains, in a personal gesture by Macron

France’s president is hosting China’s leader at a remote mountain pass in the yesterday for private meetings after a high-stakes state visit in Paris dominated by

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