Immune health is all about balance

For immune health, some influencers seem to think the Goldilocks philosophy of “just right” is overrated. Why settle for less immunity when you can have more? Many social

The sacred holiday is far more than a ‘Mexican Halloween’

Many Latinos regularly declare: “Día de los Muertos is not Mexican Halloween.” The declaration is increasingly repeated by non-Latinos too. Drawing a clear line

Deception researchers investigate how the recipient and the medium affect telling the truth

Prominent cases of purported lying continue to dominate the news cycle. Hunter Biden was charged with lying on a government form while purchasing a handgun. Republican

In secular Japan, what draws so many to temples and shrines? Stamp collecting and tradition

Almost weekly Momo Nomura makes time to visit Shinto shrines. She performs the prescribed rituals — cleansing her hands, ringing a bell, bowing and clapping. But

NASA report finds no evidence that UFOs are extraterrestrial

NASA’s independent study team released its highly anticipated report on UFOs on Sept. 14, 2023. In part to move beyond the stigma often attached to UFOs, where

Why China’s real estate crisis should make the global travel industry nervous

Once upon a time – in 2019 – tourists from China were among the best-traveled in the world. They collectively spent more than US$250 billion abroad – nearly

Ancient texts depict all kinds of people, not just straight and cis ones

I study Greek and Latin literature and have noticed that ancient authors wrote about sex, homoerotic feelings or relations, and gender more often than we assume. A

Quran burning in Sweden prompts debate on freedom of expression vs incitement of hatred

The Swedish government is concerned about national security following several incidents involving the burning of the Quran that have provoked demonstrations and outrage from Muslim-majority countries. The

How Russian history sheds light on Putin and Prigozhin – and the dangers of dissent

In Russia, failed coups portend turmoil and collapse. They also herald greater repression, and a tightening of centralised control. This is because Russian history has swung back and

As BRICS cooperation accelerates, is it time for the US to develop a BRICS policy?

The leaders of the BRICS group of large emerging economies – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – meet in Johannesburg for two days beginning on Aug.

Discrimination took a heavy toll on Asian American students during pandemic

Experiencing discrimination significantly harmed the well-being of Asian and Asian American college students in the U.S. during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. That’s the key

Hitler and Trump: Show trials can provide a powerful platform for the defendant

The trial of Donald Trump on charges that he conspired to undermine the peaceful transition of power will likely be a show trial – but not in the

Social media can in fact be made better, research shows

Is social media designed to reward people for acting badly? The answer is clearly yes, given that the reward structure on social media platforms relies on popularity,

Why Russia pulled out of its grain deal with Ukraine – and what that means for the global food system

The Russia-Ukraine grain deal that has been critical to keeping global food prices stable and preventing famine is currently in tatters. On July 17, 2023, Russia said it was

Ukraine is the hot topic at the NATO summit – the most important work is all in the details happening behind the scenes

A summit is literally the highest point on the mountain. In diplomatic terms, summits like the NATO meeting, held on July 11 and 12, 2023, in Vilnius, Lithuania,

“We the People” includes all Americans – but July 4 is a reminder that democracy remains a work in progress

The United States’ founders firmly rejected King George III and the entire idea of monarchy 247 years ago, on July 4, 1776. Political power does not come

The folly of making art with text-to-image generative AI

Making art using artificial intelligence isn’t new. It’s as old as AI itself. What’s new is that a wave of tools now let most people generate images

AI could shore up democracy – here’s one way

It’s become fashionable to think of artificial intelligence as an inherently  You’d be forgiven if you’re distraught about society’s ability to grapple with this new technology. So

Southern Baptists expel churches with women pastors – but the debate’s not just about gender

The Southern Baptist Convention, the largest Protestant group in the United States, overwhelmingly voted to expel two congregations with women pastors on June 14, 2023, during their annual

Watered-down LGBTQ ‘understanding’ bill shows how far Japan’s parliament is out of step with its society – and history

Japan has passed legislation aimed at “promoting the understanding” of members of the LGBTQ community – a watered-down bill that will do little to put the Asian country

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