Three cases of hypothermia reported over the weekend

There were three reported cases of hypothermia in Macau between 4p.m. on Friday and Saturday, the Health Bureau said in a statement. All patients were males aged between 65 and 75 years old and were admitted at the Emergency Department of the public Conde de São Januário Hospital, where they remained for observation. One patient had a moderate state of hypothermia while the others had less serious conditions. According to information from the Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau, temperatures in the region will remain low in the coming days. The bureau called on those responsible for care of the elderly and patients with chronic diseases to take preventative measures to protect these vulnerable groups.

Three relatives admitted to hospital due to fever

The Health Bureau (SSM) was notified last Saturday by Kiang Wu Hospital that three patients were admitted with symptoms of fever and respiratory tract infections. The three people, a child aged two and two adults aged 20 and 55 years old respectively – all living in the same house – were taken to the hospital by ambulance during Saturday afternoon, the SSM said. The child tested positive for Influenza B following laboratory tests. The 55-year-old patient presented with a cough lasting over a week and a low fever for over four days.  Both of their clinical conditions were considered normal and they are progressing well towards recovery. The 20-year-old patient presented with a high fever for one day followed by faintness, and is now under observation while receiving hydration therapy in the emergency department. The SSM also noted that the three patients had traveled to the city of Zhongshan between January 25 and 29, claiming that they had no contact with birds but had not been vaccinated against seasonal influenza this year.

EPM ranked best Portuguese school abroad

The Macau Portuguese School (EPM) was ranked the best Portuguese school abroad in the Portuguese National secondary school exams and the 62nd best of all Portuguese schools, LUSA agency reported. The report is based on the ranking published by the Ministry of Education in Portugal, and includes the results of all Portuguese schools within and outside Portuguese territory. A total of eight schools located in Portuguese-speaking countries and regions were included in this ranking. The Portuguese School of Macau (with an average of 11.88 points out of 20), and two schools in Angola – namely The Portuguese School of Luanda (11.64 points) and the College of St Francis of Assisi (11.41 points) – are the only ones outside of Portuguese territory that achieved an overall average above 10 points.

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