Transport Bureau: New asphalt for roads effective

Citing the Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM), the Transport Bureau (DSAT) has spoken highly of the durability of the new type of asphalt used for public roads.

In reply to lawmaker Ron Lam’s written inquiry, the DSAT referred to the IAM as saying that the new asphalt and new type of stones have been gradually rolled out for public road works from 2021. Therefore, the new type of materials has only been in use for a maximum of two years.

According to the data, the new type of material has a warranty of four years, “so as to constantly improve [the] durability and quality of public roads,” the DSAT added. It confirmed that the materials saw “ideal effectiveness,” and that the IAM would continuously monitor the reliability of the materials.

Meanwhile, Public Works Bureau (DSOP) was also quoted as saying that a new type of asphalt with high viscosity and elasticity had been used. More time is needed to access the durability of this new material.

The DSOP has retained the required warranty at two years but changes may be possible after more data is collected.

Introducing the Single Platform for Road Works Administration, the DSAT said that both the IAM and the bureau have improved coordination on the planning and execution of public road works. Both bureaus are authorized to manage and review applications, while applicants can review their progress on the same platform.

Although preview plans on road works in the coming year must be presented by the end of the previous year, some road works are unpredictable, such as emergency repairs, the DSAT said in defense of repetitive road works.

There were also cases in which pipeline diagrams differed from the actual scenes. In such cases, the DSOP explained, a special task force will be triggered to conduct on-site evaluation and immediately fine-tune the construction plan.

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