The University of Macau (UM) will start to charge fees for parking in any of the car parks located on its campus from July 17. UM announced yesterday that non-UM members, whose vehicles are currently parked within the school, are urged to vacate these spaces before July 17, otherwise they shall be dealt with in accordance with the law. The hourly rate will be roughly the same as that of all public car parks in Macau. Vehicles can stay parked at UM for a maximum of eight consecutive days.
Definition of ‘special students’ to be clarified
An amendment to the special education system will feature a clearer definition of the term ‘special students,’ Chow Pui Leng, head of the Centre of Psycho-Pedagogical Support and Special Education of the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau (DSEJ) said yesterday. According to Chow, the amendment will mainly attempt to provide subsidies to talented students and to offer financial aid to schools and members of staff that help students with special needs.
Macao Foundation appointments renewed
Wu Zhiling has been re-appointed to the position of president of the Administrative Council of the Macao Foundation, according to an Official Gazette notice published this week. Zhong Yi will be the vice-president. Zhong Yi has been appointed as a member of the Administrative Council of the Macao Foundation since July 2010. Vong Hin Fai will be the chairman of the supervisory board of the foundation. Appointments of several members of the trustee committee have also been renewed, including Anabela Fátima Xavier Sales Ritchie and Angela Leong. The new appointments will take effect from July 11.
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