U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry arrives for the 22nd Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Regional Forum in Kuala Lumpur
In a direct challenge to China, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry called yesterday for all claimants to disputed territories in the South China Sea to immediately halt provocative activities that have ratcheted up tensions in some of the world’s busiest shipping lanes. He also said the United States would not accept restrictions on navigation or overflights of the disputed territories
In remarks to East Asian foreign ministers in Malaysia, Kerry proposed a joint commitment from all involved to halting land reclamation projects and construction, which he said would lower tensions and risks for miscalculation. He said the step would also create space to finalize a binding code of conduct. His comments were directed primarily at China, which has been engaged in massive reclamation projects in areas contested by its smaller neighbors. China has rejected outside interference in the disputes.
“With great respect to my friend and colleague (Chinese) Foreign Minister Wang (Yi), the United States and others have expressed concern to China over the pace and scope of its land reclamation efforts,” Kerry said. “And the construction of facilities for military purposes only raises tensions and the destabilizing risk of militarization by other claimant states.”
Kerry complained that China has not lived up to pledges to ease tensions and to not try to exert control over South China Sea navigation or flights. And, he said he could not confirm Chinese protestation that it has stopped land reclamation projects. “I hope it is true,” he said. “I don’t know yet.”
But he added that the protests rang hollow because China is continuing construction projects, including military ones, on reclaimed land.
“It is not just an issue of reclamation,” Kerry told reporters after his comments to the ministers. He added that he was not yet convinced that China had softened its stance. Wang, Kerry said, had “indicated a different readiness of China to try to resolve some of this, although I think it is still not as fulsome as some of us would like to see.”
Kerry’ s comments came a day after he and Wang clashed over who is to blame for rising tensions over territorial disputes in the South China Sea. Wang sent a strong message that those without claims, such as the United States, should allow China and the other claimants to deal with them on their own. Matthew Lee, Diplomatic, Writer, Kuala Lumpur, AP
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