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VoteCast: Inflation top concern, but democracy a worry too

Just as Republicans had hoped, high inflation was the top consideration for voters in the midterm elections, AP VoteCast shows. But the survey reveals that a core issue for President Joe Biden, the survival of democracy, also weighed heavily on voters’ minds, as control of Congress – and a choice between sharply contrasting visions of America – hung in the balance.

The result, as of yesterday, was an election in which Democrats displayed strength, appearing to avoid the massive losses that often beset the party in power during a midterm vote. With ballots still being counted, though, it was unclear if they would retain control of at least one chamber of Congress.

The survey depicts a country mired in pessimism about America’s future and its political leadership, with lingering tensions in how people feel about Biden and his predecessor, Donald Trump, shaping choices at the ballot box.

The detailed portrait of the American electorate is based on results from VoteCast, an extensive survey of more than 94,000 voters nationwide.

About half of voters say inflation factored significantly in their vote, as groceries, gasoline, housing, food and other costs have shot up in the past year and raised the specter of inflation.

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