Xu Yingzhen | China and Portuguese-speaking countries should take advantage of Macau platform

Macau Forum Secretary General Xu Yingzhen

China and the Portuguese- speaking countries should take full advantage of the Macau platform, said the Secretary-General of the Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macau, who called for cooperation in the area of traditional Chinese medicine.

“I hope that the countries concerned will constantly strengthen medical technology, scientific studies, training of qualified staff and protection of legislation and strengthen cooperation in the field of traditional medicine,” Xu Yingzhen said at the closing ceremony of a colloquium on the subject.

The “Colloquium on Traditional Medicine for Portuguese-Speaking Countries” was organied by the Forum Macau Training Centre in collaboration with the Development Company of the Chinese Traditional Medicine Scientific and Industrial Park for Cooperation between Guangdong and Macau.

The colloquium was held from September 13 to 26 in Macau, Hengqin and Guangzhou, with the participation of 23 officials and technicians from Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique, São Tome and Principe and East Timor in their respective areas.

Thematic talks, visits and exchanges related to the role of Macau as a platform between China and the Portuguese- speaking countries were held during the visit to Macau and the progress made in developing the traditional medicine industry in Macau was relayed to participants. MDT/Macauhub

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