Young footballers receive training in Portugal

colunaThe Football Youth Academy has sent several of its most promising members to Portugal for a 13-day training and exchange. The delegation will join the training camp launched by the well-known team Sporting Clube de Portugal. Besides the routine training, the teenage group will also have competitions with local football teams. Organizers, namely the Macau Sport Development Board and the local football association, hope the event will improve members’ skills and enrich their experience. The event kicked off on Aug. 10 and will conclude this Friday, Aug. 22. The delegation will return to Macau Aug. 23.  The exchange event is being carried out according to the cooperation agreement in sports signed by the MSAR and Portugal in 2001. Founded in 2003, the Football Youth Academy is organized by the Sport Development Board and the Macau Football Association. The academy seeks to promote the sport among teenagers, enrich teenagers’ after-school activities and nurture potential backup players for Macau’s football circle. Apart from Portugal, the academy has also sent young footballers to participate in training sessions and competitions in the mainland and other neighboring regions.  GY

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