Zhuhai targets 6.5% GDP growth in 2022

Zhuhai is aiming to achieve regional GDP growth of 6.5% and boost domestic demand, according to a statement released by the neighboring region’s government. 

Zhuhai’s economic and social development plan for 2022 was recently released by the municipal government, with goals including 7% growth in added value from industries above a designated size and in total retail sales of social consumer goods, 8% growth in fixed-asset investments, positive growth in total import and export volume and 5% growth in actual use of direct foreign investment.

The city is also aiming for a 6% increase in general public budget revenue as well as to control increases in the CPI and urban unemployment rate to less than 3%.

To achieve these goals, Zhuhai has laid out 465 key construction projects for 2022, with a total investment of 945.1 billion yuan and planned investment of 115.5 billion yuan (USD18.3 billion).

Support will also be given to the Guangdong-Macau In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin to facilitate Zhuhai-Macau cooperation. Sixty measures facilitating Hong Kong and Macau residents’ living in Zhuhai will be implemented, while more young talent from Hong Kong and Macau will be enticed to Zhuhai through innovation, entrepreneurship and employment opportunities.

Construction of the Hezhou New Area will be accelerated and the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge (HZMB) economic zone is undergoing planning with high standards intended to create new spaces for cooperation between Zhuhai, Hong Kong and Macau.

The development of Zhuhai’s advanced manufacturing industry will be given priority, while efforts will be made to push forward construction on major projects like the Gree Electric Appliances High-End Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Park in Jinwan’s Gaolan Port Economic Zone and the Zhuhai CosMX Battery expansion project in Doumen.

A 10 billion yuan fund will be set aside for infrastructure construction in industrial parks citywide. Efforts will also be made to entice prestigious domestic and overseas companies to set up regional or other headquarters in the city.

Other planned measures include the establishment of distinctive high-end commercial areas, as well as supporting UT Place in Old Xiangzhou, Uni Park in Qianshan and Jinwan’s Huafa Mall in applying to be designated provincial demonstrative distinctive pedestrian streets.  MDT

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