Central Book Stack relocates to Pac On, reservation services suspended

The Central Book Stack from the Macao Public Library is being relocated from its current location at the Avenida do Almirante Lacerda to the new Multifunctional Government Building at Pac

Urban planner thinks Pearl Horizon lot should be redone

Urban planner Lam Iek Chit criticized the draft of the Pearl Horizon substitute housing as “rudimentary” and should be redone. Lam, a member of the Lam Iek Chit Urban Planning Commission,

China vows bolstered legal measures over protests

China vowed to prevent foreign powers from interfering in Hong Kong’s affairs and carrying out acts of “separatism, subversion, infiltration and sabotage.” The latest broadside against alleged foreign backing of anti-government

Hong Kong | Riot police storm malls to thwart more protests

Riot police stormed several malls in Hong Kong yesterday in a move to thwart more pro-democracy protests, as the city’s leader prepares for talks in Beijing on deepening economic integration

Technology | Fitbit buy is Google’s latest step into gadgetry

Google’s acquisition of wearable pioneer Fitbit may be a bold plunge into health and fitness technology. But it’s also just the latest step in the internet giant’s often-halting effort to

GEG to hold ninth edition of youth program

Galaxy Entertainment Group (GEG) collaborated with the Macau Management Association to organize the GEG Youth Achievement Program (YAP), providing training opportunities for nearly 3,000 participants. The gaming operator held the award

Sands China donates MOP200,000 to Caritas Macau

  A group of approximately 100 Sands Cares Ambassadors volunteered at the 50th Caritas Macau Charity Bazaar at Nam Van Lake Nautical Centre during the weekend by manning a game booth

Trump absent, ASEAN charts path for trade bloc led by China

Leaders from fast-growing Southeast Asian economies, China and other regional powers vowed yesterday to transcend conflicts over trade policies and territorial disputes for the sake of stronger economies and regional

Trade war | Economy struggles as consumers tighten belts

With home sales crashing, real estate agent Zhang Yonggang is tightening his belt, part of a plunge in Chinese consumer demand that is a bigger threat to economic growth than

Okinawa governor warns of ‘strong resistance’ to US missiles

As the Pentagon hunts for sites to deploy missiles against a rising China, Okinawa’s governor is warning the U.S. to steer clear of the southern Japanese prefecture. Governor Denny Tamaki said

UN chief urges Myanmar to resolve Rohingya crisis

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres expressed concern yesterday over the plight of the 730,000 Muslim Rohingya refugees from Myanmar’s Rakhine state, calling on Myanmar’s government to take responsibility by dealing with

Trump-Russia probe | Mueller documents: Manafort pushed Ukraine hack theory

During the 2016 presidential campaign, Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort pushed the idea that Ukraine, not Russia, was behind the hack of the Democratic National Committee servers, Manafort’s deputy told

This Day in History | 1995 Israeli PM shot dead

Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin has been assassinated. Mr Rabin was shot three times at close range in the stomach and chest by an assailant as he left a peace rally

Offbeat | Crafty move: German spies take foreign agents to Oktoberfest

The German government has acknowledged that it picked up the tab when the country’s spy agency recently took dozens of foreign agents on a trip to the Munich Oktoberfest. News of

First Person | Artist by self

First Act “Wherever you go, go whole, Take your heart with you.” Confucius I have long been drawing cities that are under construction, imaginary cities without time of their own, since all the

Top quotes from Japan

“We’d consider Ireland a very welcoming country, but Japan takes that to a different level.” Ireland flanker Peter O’Mahony. “I thought I was going to die with all the pressure.” Japan flyhalf Yu

Rugby | Springboks ready for World Cup trophy tour of good hope

England 12, South Africa 32 As black and white players hugged, danced and shared beer out of the Webb Ellis Cup, people across South Africa celebrated a Springboks world title for

The Buzz | Berkshire Hathaway’s third-quarter profits decline 11%

Warren Buffett’s company reported yesterday that it saw an 11% decline in third-quarter profits because of a smaller increase in the paper value of its investments, even as it

Tax Matters | The Service Charge – is it mandatory?

When you travel around the world and go to a restaurant, it is not unusual to find in the bill an additional 10 or 15% service charge (“SC”) over the

Luso-Macau bazaar ends in excitement at Three Lamps

A bazaar featuring products from Macau and lusophone countries was held over the past weekend at the Rotunda de Carlos de Maia, or the commonly known “Three Lamps” area. The bazaar

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