Man who sailed into a river mouth in Taiwan was acting on his own, Beijing says

The Chinese government said yesterday that a Chinese man who sailed a small boat into a strategic river mouth in Taiwan was acting on his own

Farrell anticipates China will lift final obstacle for exports

Australian Trade Minister Don Farrell yesterday predicted the final obstacle for exports to China, Beijing’s ban on live lobster imports, will be lifted soon after Chinese Premier

More than 1.5 million foreign Muslims arrive in Mecca for pilgrimage

Muslim pilgrims have been streaming into Saudi Arabia’s holy city of Mecca ahead of the start of the Hajj later this week, as the annual pilgrimage returns

1967 Moscow calls for UN action against Israel

The United Nations Security Council has rejected Soviet demands for an immediate vote on a resolution condemning Israel’s aggression in the six-day war. Moscow - which

China keeps its hopes alive despite a 1-0 loss to South Korea; Thailand, India miss out

China kept its 2026 World Cup hopes alive by the narrowest of margins despite a 1-0 loss to South Korea this week  in Asian qualifying.

Will Japanese women be able to keep their maiden names after marriage?

A powerful Japanese business lobby is calling on the government to allow married couples to keep dual surnames, saying the lack of freedom to do so hinders

UN says violence against children in conflict reached extreme levels in 2023, including in Gaza

Violence against children caught in multiplying and escalating conflicts reached “extreme levels” in 2023, with an unprecedented number of killings and injuries in crises, from Israel and the Palestinian

Stop comparing Hong Kong to Singapore

Business travelers have been visiting Hong Kong in recent weeks, attending big finance conferences and mulling whether to wade back into China. Chinese and Hong Kong stocks are

Thursday, June 13, 2024 – edition no. 4501

— Celebrating Philippines Independence Day in Macau as a tribute to community resilience * It’s official | Macau is world’s favorite casino destination * Say again? | Gov’t limits casino’s free snacks,

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