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A ‘new era’ in malaria control has begun with a vaccination campaign for children in Ivory Coast

Health workers in Ivory Coast began giving children the latest malaria vaccine earlier this week, the beginning of a regional campaign that experts hope might curb the impact of one of Africa’s top killers.

The West African country became the first to start rolling out the newest shot targeting malaria in an effort that aims to cover about 250,000 children under two. The three-dose vaccine known as R21/Matrix-M was developed by Britain’s Oxford University and was authorized by the World Health Organization last October.

Research suggests it is more than 75% effective at preventing severe disease and death in the first year and that protection is extended for at least another year with a booster.

Alice Kanga was one of many who brought their children to get vaccinated Monday. “It’s really important for the children, for their health,” she said.

In 2021, WHO endorsed the first malaria vaccine, known as Mosquirix, made by GSK. But that vaccine requires four doses and protection fades within months. GSK also previously said it would only be able to make about 15 million doses.

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