Following Director Zhang Yimou, step into Asia’s first dynamic high-tech theater and witness firsthand how director Zhang merge stage-of-the-art technology to interpret the essence of Chinese culture in a captivating 80-minute journey at MGM Theater.
MGM Theater proudly delivers a world-class stage to push the boundaries of theatre and expands the possibilities of performing art; every seat offers a unique central view. The 180-degree panoramic view ensures a visual feast without blind spots; while L-ISA’s hyper-realistic dynamic sound effects immerse you in one sci-fi wonder, the seamless 900-square-meter world’s largest indoor LED screen creates a flawless stage effect like no other.
To fully embrace Zhang Yimou’s technological aesthetics and integrate them with world-class technology, “Macau 2049” presents 8 traditional intangible cultural treasures such as ancient Drumming, Khoomei, Miao Songs, The Crossroads Inn, Yangge, Yi Song, Lion Dance, and Shaanxi traditional Storytelling with cutting-edge technology such as 6-joint robotic arm, 108 kinetic mirrors, humanoid robot, bionic flying devices, and laser beams. “ MACAU 2049” overturns the impressions of intangible cultural heritage, heralding a new entertainment era.
Get your tickets now at to see how pioneers a futuristic and tech-savvy aesthetic for the stage in MGM Theater.
Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau
T 853 8802 2888 F 853 8802 3333
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