Briefs | Library’s 24/7 operation under assessment

The Red Market library is running 24 hours per day on a trial basis until March. The Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) issued a statement yesterday indicating that the round-the-clock operation is being well received by the facility’s users. The IC stated that it will assess data related to the continuous operation before deciding if the scheme will be continued or even expanded to other local libraries.

Feature films program applications open

The deadline for applications for the “2016 Support Program for the Production of Feature Films” is December 30. The program is organized by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) and aims to promote the development of the Macau film industry. Up to four applicants will be selected and each of the chosen filmmakers will receive financial support of up to 70 percent of the total estimated costs of the project (a maximum of MOP1.5 million), to be used for the production, promotion and marketing of the feature film.

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