Alexis Tam keen on solving Macanese doctor exam

The Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, Alexis Tam, has acknowledged his surprise in learning that a Macanese doctor, who had completed her degree at the University of Coimbra’s Faculty of Medicine, failed to pass an exam that would allow her to work for Macau’s public hospital, Radio Macau reported.
Portuguese newspaper Hoje Macau broke the news on Tuesday that a Macanese physician, who completed her General Internal Medicine residency with a 19.6 average (on a 0 to 20 scale) in Portugal, was eager to return to her hometown of Macau and further her career here, but did not pass an exam conducted by Health Bureau (SSM) professionals.
The doctor seemed to have encountered hurdles right from the beginning, when she sent a speculative job application to the SSM director in July last year. The SSM’s Human Resources office first responded by saying that there were no vacancies matching her profile, and adding that they did not need specialized health professionals.
She insisted and was later allowed to sit a conversion exam, so that her academic qualifications would be recognized in Macau.
The doctor claims that there were no Portuguese-speaking physicians or health professionals at her exam. Furthermore, she argued that there were also problems with translation. She eventually failed to pass the exam, and is now taking the case to court.
“I only heard of the case through the newspaper. I was surprised. The doctor is Macanese, a local, and finished her residency with a 19.6 average. I was surprised because we do need doctors. She’s from Macau and knows Macau well,” Alexis Tam stated, as quoted by Radio Macau.
The Secretary pledged to gather further information on the case. He concluded by saying that, “Upon reading the feature story, I called the Health Bureau’s head, Lei Chin Ion, for more information because I was surprised. We need to give [more] opportunities to locals (…) The lady has appealed [the decision]. I think we can still solve the case.” CP

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