Average Guangdong salary reaches RMB9,100

A survey has revealed Guangdong Province’s average monthly salary in 2023 is RMB9,100, a 5.8% growth year-over-year.

Several private entities under the Guangzhou Talent Group conducted the survey. It covered nine localities in the province and 17 professions.

According to the survey operator, the lower income group has logged “more obvious” salary growth, which “reflected certain effects in the provincial promotion of common wealth.”

The survey found 60% of salaries were fixed while 40% fluctuated.

Shenzhen led the province’s salary level, with Guangzhou – the provincial capital – close behind. Macau’s neighbor, Zhuhai, was third. The three cities recorded RMB12,300, RMB11,300 and RMB9,300 respectively in average salaries.

The three cities also recorded the fastest growth rate in salary levels. Shenzhen marked 7.2% year-over-year growth rate, with Guangzhou and Zhuhai between 6% and 7%.

The survey operator believes the income gap across the province will continue to shrink due to the implementation of coordinated regional development strategies and policies.

Finance and computer-related industries, as well as the production and supply of public necessities paid the most: RMB21,400, RMB15,800 and RMB12,700. However, as far as growth rate is concerned, car manufacturing, e-commerce and equipment manufacturing logged the largest leaps, at 8.3%, 8% and 7.8%.

It was also shown that larger employers offered more competitive salaries. AL

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