Flight 8501 |Differences between MH370 and AirAsia incidents

  The disappearance of an AirAsia passenger jet soon after takeoff inevitably brings back memories of the mystery behind Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, which disappeared nearly 10 months ago and is yet to be found. But while it is still not known what happened

Flight 8501 | Unclear whether oil, objects found in sea linked to lost jet

An Indonesian helicopter searching for the missing AirAsia jetliner saw two oily spots in the water yesterday, and an Australian search plane spotted objects elsewhere in the Java Sea, but

Flight 8501 | Q&A : What might have happened to the plane

  Rescue crews are searching Indonesian waters for AirAsia Indonesia Flight 8501, which disappeared Sunday with 162 passengers and crew onboard. The plane was flying from Surabaya, Indonesia's second-largest city, and

Asian tsunami 10th anniversary marked with tears and hope

  A packed train in Sri Lanka that was swept off the tracks by waves as big as elephants. A boat patrolling off Thailand's shore hurled more than a mile inland.

Philippines | Strong earthquake shakes south

A strong earthquake shook parts of the southern and central Philippines yesterday, frightening people but causing no serious damage or injuries, officials said. The U.S. Geological Survey said the earthquake measured

Korea | South offers talks with North over unification

  South Korea yesterday proposed talks with North Korea to discuss what it calls a range of issues needed to prepare for the unification of the divided countries. It’s unclear if Pyongyang

Search for AirAsia aircraft called off after day-long hunt

  Indonesian authorities looking for an AirAsia Bhd. flight with 155 passengers and seven crew on board called off the search as darkness fell over the seas after a day of

Malaysia | Monsoon floods force 160,000 to evacuate, leave 8 dead

  Malaysia evacuated more than 160,000 people and increased relief efforts as the worst floods in decades left at least eight people dead. The affected states are Kelantan, Kedah, Terengganu, Pahang, Perak,

N. Korea uses racial slur against Obama over hack

UN Security Council takes up N. Korea’s human rights

  The U.N. Security Council took up the issue of North Korea’s bleak human rights situation for the first time yesterday (Macau time), a groundbreaking step toward possibly holding the nuclear-armed

China arrests US aid worker near N. Korean border

Shanghai-based lawyer Zhang Peihong said he was notified by prosecutors in China’s northeastern Yanbian prefecture of the arrest of Peter Hahn, a 74-year-old Christian who ran a vocational school for

North Korea proposes joint probe over Sony hacking

North Korea proposed a joint investigation with the U.S. into the hacking attack against Sony Pictures Entertainment, warning of “serious” consequences if Washington rejects a probe that it believes would

Japan | ‘Interview’ ordeal at Sony just its latest crisis

  How do you say “damage control” in Japanese? Sony Corp. is sealed within a hermetic cone of silence as executives try to prevent the slow motion train wreck at Sony

US | probe links NKorea to Sony hacking

  Federal investigators have now connected the hacking of Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc. to North Korea, a U.S. official said yesterday (Macau time), though it remained unclear how the federal government

S. Korean group cancels plans for border tree

A South Korean church group said yesterday it canceled plans to erect a giant Christmas tree near the border with North Korea after locals complained that it could provoke Pyongyang. The

North Korea | Kim Jong Un looks to complete nuclear legacy left by father

  Kim Jong Un has spent the three years since his father’s death tightening his grip on power, leaving the Supreme Leader better positioned to achieve Kim Jong Il’s dream of

Pakistan | Country mourns 142 slain in Taliban school attack 

  Pakistanis mourned as mass funerals got underway yesterday for 142 people, most of them children, killed the day before in a massacre by the Taliban at a military-run school in

Australia | Sydney siege spurs demand to know why gunman was on bail

  Australian authorities are probing why the gunman responsible for a deadly Sydney hostage-taking was free on bail and not on a watchlist, despite his history of violence and extremist sympathies. Man

Korean Air slammed for nut rage cover-up

The ministry said yesterday it will also evaluate if the airline’s corporate culture poses safety risks after its chairman’s daughter Cho Hyun-ah overruled the captain of a flight to force

Pakistan | Taliban school terror assault leaves over 140 dead, mostly kids

Taliban gunmen stormed a military-run school in the northwestern Pakistani city of Peshawar yesterday, killing at least 141 people, mostly children, before Pakistani officials declared a military operation to clear

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