World Views | It’s up to governments to stop enabling corruption

It will take more than a “Global Declaration Against Corruption” to rid the world of an age-­old scourge, but don’t dismiss last week’s anti-corruption summit in London too quickly. The surge

Bizcuits | The Macau Review

What was to be of interest in Wednesday’s presentation of the gaming industry’s mid-term review was not so much the content but how it was to be framed, its justification

World Views | Save the planet. Take public transit now and then

Success in the fight against climate change doesn’t demand dramatic innovations. Houses that heat themselves and jet planes fueled by sunshine and pond goo are good ideas, but there’s no

Views on China | Why China is prone to bubbles

Chinese markets have rarely looked more like Vegas casinos. In recent weeks, investors have driven up trading volumes in China to astronomical levels, betting on everything from rebar to eggs. China traded

Made In Macao | The Age of Impatience

Everywhere we go these days we seem to hear two words: 快啲…快啲…快啲 “Fai Di… Fai Di… Fai Di” (meaning faster, faster, faster). From lining up at the supermarket cashier, to

Vegas is an ace in the hole for Macau casino operators

It’s great having a hand full of aces if that’s the highest card in the deck. If the rules change and it reverts to being the lowest, you’re in trouble. That’s

Our Desk | Domestic violence law a right, not a privilege

Domestic violence is a silent issue in Macau, as residents don’t give it as much attention as it deserves. While domestic abuse could happen to anyone – including all races, religions,

Rear Window | Five years to upgrade Macau

Macau’s first five-year plan is out and open to public debate and suggestions during the so-called consultation period. This is a superbly ambitious and comprehensive roadmap as it gives both

Kapok | Impotence in politics

Several reasons can explain why many governments around the world, in democratic or partially democratic and at least liberal settings, have become impotent, incapable of solving clearly identified issues and

HK Observer | Panama plague. Who’s losing?

The Panama papers, a la Wikileaks and Snowden bombshells, are not only embarrassing the powerful the world over but highlight the injustice and the rot that dirty money brings. It

Macau Matters | The value in being multilingual

I grew up in a family and suburb of English native speakers, and even my Greek, Italian and Lebanese school friends only spoke English. The only way to really learn

Views of the World | Candidates’ claims of American decline are hype

As in any U.S. national election without an incumbent president, the candidates are painting a not very pretty picture: The country is “going to hell,” bluntly asserts the Republican front-runner

Bizcuits | An ode to sleep

I need sleep. That’s the only thing really on my mind these days: how to get more of it at the appropriate moment. Rather than pull the ‘I’m so tired’ bunting

Views of the World | Trump makes up for lost ground

The good news for Donald Trump continued Tuesday night. He’s closer to the nomination. But he’s not there yet. Trump was long expected to win in the primaries in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Connecticut, Delaware

Made in Macao | Ladies’ Night – how big a deal?

I couldn’t believe it when someone told me a bar in Hong Kong was sued for holding “ladies’ nights.” It’s not like this is any new gimmick. There have been

Our Desk | On inspiring bus drivers

Bus companies in Macau are expected to lose around 10 percent of their drivers to retirement within the next four years, said Lam Hin San, director of the Transport Bureau

Letter to the Editor | Weather report: ‘A potentially dangerous problem’

Dear Editor, As rainstorms and thunderstorms are increasingly occurring in the mornings, there is an imperative need on accurate and confident predictions by the Macau Meteorology and Geophysical Bureau (SMG) and

World Views | An ominous collapse casts a shadow over Brazil

Late Thursday, authorities were still puzzling over the cause of the accident, in which a large wave crashed against a cliff, ripped away a 160-foot section of the bike lane, and tossed

Kapok | Do as I say not as I do

In his first second-term policy address in March 2015, Mr Chui Sai On gave the assurance that consultative bodies would from now on be better regulated. The pledge was twofold:

HK Observer | Don’t shoot the messenger

“Did you watch ‘Ten Years?’” “No... If I ever want low budget Dystopian Visions I watch Government announcements” That was how SCMP cartoonist Harry’s characters laughed off the brouhaha about

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