Girl About Globe | Perils of the Orient for the Trumps

The Trumps are coming to Asia next month. What a significant trip this could turn out to be. Let’s look at the issues raised by their itinerary,

Tech Views | Amazon leaped ahead by losing the smartphone war

In case it wasn’t obvious before last week, Inc. has leapfrogged the smartphone to go after the next era of computing. The company never could have done this

Kapok | Everything’s relative

One thing I’ve learnt over the years is to drastically lower my expectations. Mind you, I don’t mean to be ironic or even nasty: after all one of

Insight | Post-election card from a concerned resident

Dear Mr. Chairman, I would like to commend you for the massive work undertaken by the commission that you wisely head, in order to ensure the fairness

Legal Wise by MdME | Consumer protection in converging environments

The advantages brought by one of the most significant breakthroughs in human history – the internet – expands to more than just a channel for information and

Macau Matters | The importance of lifecycle costing

My last article talked about problems in the construction industry, globally and in Macau, and identified some ways for governments to improve the situation. Now I want to

Our Desk | Bureaucracy and the ‘rule of three’

Bureaucracy is equally as astonishing and stifling in Macau, as it seems to be everywhere else in the world. Or at least that’s what I thought until

Rear Window | Undermining itself

While the ripples of Hato disaster still dominate MSAR life… perhaps it is a convenient, if not an auspicious, occasion to address what prevents Macau from being the

Bizcuits | Education marches East

There are now 66 Chinese mainland universities listed in the 14th Times Higher Education World University Rankings published earlier this month. China, for the first time, has more

Girl About Globe | Braids? Beware the doublecrossing Dutch

Strategies to avoid heatstroke during Hong Kong’s summer are much discussed. But there’s another issue: how to dodge heatwaves. You know, the kind that hair crinkles into when

World Views | What Germany wants is far from what Europe needs

If polls are correct, Angela Merkel is on track to win a record fourth term as German chancellor on Sept. 24. The temptation, after such a long run

World Views | Selling a piece of Hong Kong history

A piece of Hong Kong’s history won’t come cheap. That’s why Mandarin Oriental International Ltd.’s USD3.8 billion disposal of the Excelsior Hotel, featured in the Pink Panther movies

Insight | Authoritarianism and paranoia

1. As I pen this down, it would be too early to comment on the legislative election results, but it is possible to comment on the campaign. Comparing

Kapok | Unfair it is

In a two-round election, you follow your heart in the first round and trust your brain in the second. In Macao, we only have one round, so both

Made in Macao | Fly me to the moon

These days, I have been hearing annual leave experts discussing how, by taking leave on the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, which falls on 4 October – together

Legal Wise by MdME | Macau: the real (e)state

Since April this year, we have been seeing a considerable increase in the number of property transactions, such as the sale of three residential buildings, representing around 610 residential

Macau Matters | Improving construction productivity

A recent article in The Economist points out the low productivity and poor performance of the global construction industry. It identifies several things that governments and others can

Our Desk | On AL elections, who is who?

Political groups have been taking it up a gear in their current election campaigns, as it is just four days shy of the city’s Legislative Assembly (AL) elections.

Rear Window | Smear tactics

Why we are not surprised a jot that the hyper-regulated campaign for the September 17th Legislative Elections could not limit itself to the realm of low politics and just

Bizcuits | Opportunism in Hato

It is the perfect storm. Pressure is building from multiple fronts. There’s a newly found strength in our community. Since the incredible show of people-force buoyed

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