This Day in History | 1997 Troops storm embassy in Peru

All 14 Tupac Amaru rebels were killed, including their leader, Nestor Cerpa Cartolini. One hostage - supreme court judge Carlos Giusti Acuna - died, as well as two Peruvian soldiers. The end

Offbeat | McDonald’s quashes all-you-can-eat fries reports

McDonald’s Corp. is quashing reports that a coming Missouri restaurant will test all-you-can-eat fries, saying the endless spuds will be available for a limited time only to promote the site’s

The Buzz | Museum gets only known film of Louis Armstrong in studio

The Louis Armstrong House Museum has acquired the only known film of the jazz great in a recording studio after it was discovered in a storage facility. The 33-minute film captures

Prince William rejects criticism he is ‘work shy’

Prince William has rejected criticism that he doesn’t put enough time into royal duties in interviews before Queen Elizabeth II’s 90th birthday today. Dismissing the moniker of “work-shy William,” the second-in-line

World Briefs

CHINA The world’s largest wireless carrier, reported an increase in profit after adding as many 4G subscribers as there are people in the U.K. China Mobile’s net income gained 0.5

Possible next Brazil leader is dealmaker and scandal-tainted

The man who may become Brazil’s next president is almost as unpopular as the leader facing impeachment now, and stained by scandals of his own. Vice President Michel Temer, who hasn’t

This Day in History | 1945 Red Army enters outskirts of Berlin

The Red Army approached the German capital from three directions, north, east and south-east. The northeastern suburb of Weissensee is the closest to the center being only three miles away. The

Offbeat | Missing ingredient for millennials: Down payment savings

Short of savings and burdened by debt, America’s millennials are struggling to afford their first homes in the face of sharply higher prices in many of the most desirable cities. Surveys

The Buzz | Taiwan protests ejection from OECD steel talks

Taiwan says its delegation was ejected from a meeting of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s steel committee after China complained, part of an apparent hardening of Beijing’s attitude toward

World Briefs

CHINA is marking National Security Education Day with a poster warning young female government workers about dating handsome foreigners who could turn out to have secret agendas. CHINA President Xi Jinping

Britain | Gove attacks Cameron’s case for EU as party splits deepen

U.K. Justice Secretary Michael Gove attacked Prime Minister David Cameron’s case for Britain staying in the European Union, demonstrating the depth of divisions in the governing Conservative Party. Gove, one of

Brazil | President defiant after impeachment vote, won’t quit

Expressing outrage over the congressional vote to open impeachment proceedings against her, President Dilma Rousseff says she will not resign and vows to keep fighting the forces arrayed against her. The

Zambia | Anti-foreigner riots claim five lives as looting spreads

Riots in Zambia’s capital spread to other parts of Lusaka yesterday as looters ransacked shops owned by immigrants, particularly Rwandans, and the ruling Patriotic Front party said five people may

Iraq | Parliament fails to vote on fate of its speaker

Iraqi lawmakers have failed to vote on whether they will oust or keep the incumbent parliament speaker, prolonging the country’s simmering political crisis. Shiite lawmaker, Hassan Salim, says after the session

This Day in History | 1953 UN and Korea begin prisoner exchange

One hundred United Nations prisoners were freed today under Operation “Little Switch”. They included 12 Britons, 30 Americans, 50 South Koreans, four Turks, one Canadian, one South African, one Greek

Offbeat | Madrid mayor: Dog poop culprits may have to clean streets

Dog owners in Madrid beware: Pick up after your pooch or face working as a street cleaner. Madrid Mayor Manuela Carmena is warning dog owners they’ll face stiff fines or possibly

The Buzz | Brazil: Rousseff loses lower house impeachment vote

Parliament in Brazil yesterday has voted to start impeachment proceedings against President Dilma Rousseff over charges of manipulating government accounts. The “yes” camp comfortably won the required two-thirds majority in the

The Science of Lying | We all lie, scientists say, but politicians even more so

This is the season of lies. We watch with fascination as candidates for the world’s most powerful job trade falsehoods and allegations of dishonesty. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump routinely calls rival

World Briefs

CHINA The Defense Ministry says a military plane was dispatched to one of China’s new man-made islands in a disputed area of the South China Sea in what is believed

Ecuador rattled by hundreds of aftershocks, death toll jumps to 272

  New aftershocks are rattling Ecuador — part of the hundreds following a deadly magnitude-7.8 earthquake that has killed at least 272 people in the Andean nation. The Geophysics Institute says 230

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