GEG title-sponsored the roving exhibitions that presented a spectacular line-up of the latest drone models and cutting-edge technologies to a number of local schools
As a patriotic Macau-based corporation, Galaxy Entertainment Group (GEG) has long supported the government’s vision to invest heavily in the development of the city’s younger generation and preparing them for a promising future ushered in by the country’s meteoric rise. This long-standing commitment to nurturing young people has propelled GEG to launch a variety of multi-faceted educational and outreach initiatives, which saw participants embrace a closer relationship with the local community and the nation.

GEG hosted the Drone Light Show at the Grand Resort Desk at Galaxy Macau. The drones lit up the city’s sky with a series of unique graphics representing the city’s handover and sports elements.
GEG-sponsored drone exhibition increases appreciation for national development on campuses
As part of its drive to inspire burgeoning talent in the field of science and technology, GEG title-sponsored a roving exhibition that presented a spectacular line-up of the latest drone models and cutting-edge technologies from mainland China. During the indoor exhibitions that were held at a number of local schools, the shimmering light show and synchronized performance of the buzzing drones captured the fascination of teachers and students who showed appreciation for the country’s technological advancement. After the exhibition, the students got a taste of flying the aerial vehicles under the guidance of professional drone controllers. On a separate occasion, a total of 300 drones were gathered above the skies of Galaxy Macau for the Drone Light Show held at the Grand Resort Deck at Galaxy Macau. Supported by special laser, lighting and sound effect, the Drone Light Show was a well-received stunt that celebrates the 20th anniversary of Macau’s return to the motherland and the sportsmanship of the 2019 Galaxy Entertainment Macau International Marathon runners with a series of symbolic patterns associated with the twin anniversaries.

Since 2011, GEG has cooperated with the Macau Management Association to organize the GEG Youth Achievement Program, providing training opportunities for nearly 3,000 participants.
Two-pronged approach to inspiring patriotism among youth
Since 2008, GEG has joined forces with the National Conditions Education (Macau) Association to organize the annual GEG Macau Cup – Youth National Education Competition. As one of the most important competitions in the school calendar, over the past 11 years, the competition has attracted upwards of 80,000 local students from nearly 30 schools to take part. Considered to be the ideal platform for students to learn about the country and the Greater Bay Area (GBA), the competition lets participants gain a better understanding of the country’s prospects at different levels and in different fields, and for those who performs the best, they are even given the opportunity to join GEG and the Association representatives for eye-opening study tours to different key Chinese provinces and cities: Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Guizhou, Gansu and GBA cities. These study tours and exchanges allow students to visit government organizations, leading companies and key institutions on the mainland.
Another signature youth activity that GEG has been applauded for is the GEG Youth Achievement Program, which GEG has been co-organizing with the Macau Management Association (MMA) since 2011. The initiative, which covers three main areas: self-awareness, community care and career development, aims at helping the city’s youth identify and even fulfil their potential, while boosting their confidence for future career development. This year’s edition featured trips to a number of Greater Bay Area cities, Shanghai and Hangzhou, which provided a window into some of the most admirable achievements of innovation and entrepreneurship on the mainland.
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