The Consumer Council handled approximately 6,420 cases last year, of which 1,673 were complaints, 4,711 inquiries and 36 suggestions.
The Consumer Council said in a statement that the total number of complaints in 2016 decreased by 12 percent year-on-year, with almost 43 percent (717 cases) falling within the five most popular complaint categories.
The top five categories are as follows: telecommunications equipment (198 cases), real estate (184 cases), telecommunications services (144 cases), public transportation (99 cases) and food and beverage (92 cases).
All categories except real estate recorded a year-on-year decrease. At 35 percent, complaints regarding telecommunication equipment recorded the most drastic decline.
The Council received 683 cases of tourist complaints and inquiries in 2016, which represented about 10 percent of all cases. Major issues included the quality and price of watches, jewelry and goldsmiths, as well as telecommunication equipment.
The Council met several chambers and organizations last year to discuss the issues behind major complaints, and said it would publish a detailed analysis of the 2016 cases at a later date.
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