DNA database is a very sensitive matter and needs legal guarantees, Security Chief says

The establishment of a DNA database in Macau involves basic rights such as personal freedom, physical and mental integrity and privacy, the Secretary for Security, Wong Sio Chak, has stated.

Legislation is needed for all aspects of the database to ensure individual rights are protected, said Wong, responding to a written inquiry from lawmaker Lam Lon Wai.

Wong’s office said the regulations need to include strict provisions on procedures, and the preservation and destruction of biological samples, as well as security management of DNA databases such as data access rights to eliminate all potential risks of abuse or infringement.

For this reason, the Office said that although it is proceeding with the legal framework related to DNA databases, it is working with extreme care and not in a rushed manner.

In the inquiry, lawmaker Lam had asked the Secretariat for Security about the timetable for the establishment of a DNA database in Macau.

The same office said recent developments about privacy concerns have forced the Judiciary Police, which was developing the legal framework in the past, to start again and consider new requirements and new norms for data security management and protection.

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