DSAT says plastic roadblocks enhance safety


Plastic roadblocks are commonly placed in traffic lanes for traffic management, such as restricting pedestrians on the road and delimiting carriageways on cross-
sea bridges. Despite criticism that the hurdles are used on a permanent basis, unappealing, occupy road space, and sometimes even obstruct traffic, the Traffic Affairs Bureau (DSAT) stresses that the safety of road users is its biggest consideration when setting traffic facilities.
The hurdles, often painted in red and white, can be seen in various locations such as in the Senado Square, in front of the Starworld Hotel and the Sai Van Lake. The duration of their placement varies from weeks, months, to several years. It’s sometimes difficult to distinguaish whether it’s a temprory measure or a permanent settting.
With calls for better traffic management, DSAT explained to the Times that the barriers are set for long or short terms, “taking into consideration the actual road conditions and road users’ safety.”
“It separates vehicle flow, guides traffic past dangerous road sections, cautions drivers, and protects pedestrians’ safety. Moreover, when a traffic accident occurs, it can withstand the momentum of a car crash and create a dampening effect, which would greatly reduce the extent of damage and reduce casualties,” said DSAT, adding that the roadblocks can also be easily crossed by rescue workers for aid operation.
The bureau further noted that the plastic hurdles are usually placed in road sections that were recently altered or where new traffic facilities were added, “so that drivers can travel through the sections safely.”
“We will decide the duration of hurdle placement, depending on how long the drivers need for the adjustment period. In general, as soon as the adaptation period passes, we will send personnel to remove them,” it added.
As for road sections that cannot sustain any damage to the pavement – such as the racing tracks and the Sai Van Bridge deck, DSAT explained it cannot set a fixed partition fence in those driveways. “However, those roads still need a traffic facility to block or separate traffic flows in order to protect the drivers’ safety, so we placed long-term barriers there,” it explained.

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