Film festival celebrates local productions

The Macau Films & Videos Panorama 2022 (MFVP 2022) will open Mar. 17 at the Oriental Foundation, and will screen 32 local films, including 26 feature films.

Organized by the Audio-Visual Cut Association and subsidized by the Macao Cultural Development Fund, the film festival will run from Mar. 17 to 19 and from 24 to 26.

In addition, mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan Film Festival have been invited to recommend outstanding works from their regions to Macau audiences.

There are three parts to this year’s MFVP: “Made in Macao”, “HOT PICKS from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan” and “Selection of Recommended Works by Local Universities”.

The organizer mentioned that 26 local works will be screened. Of these 26 films, 10 have been produced by the Macao Cultural Centre’s “Local View Power” film shooting subsidy program, 12 have been selected from the local open call and four have been recommended by four tertiary institutions in Macau, namely the University of Macau, the Macau Polytechnic University, the Macau University of Science and Technology, as well as the University of Saint Joseph. AL

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