Five men arrested for St Lazarus illegal graffiti


Five Filipino men were arrested on Monday for spraying black graffiti on the heritage architecture in St. Lazarus district. The Judiciary Police (PJ) believes that the “playful act” constitutes a criminal offense and that at least seven offenders are involved, some of whom are still at large.
According to the PJ, the group of suspects spray-
painted the exterior of two historical buildings after drinking on the evening of July 11. The graffiti comprises sets of English letters, Roman numerals and other symbols across a total of seven spots in the alley, which is renowned for cultural and creative activities.
A PJ spokesperson announced yesterday that four of the five suspects [in custody] have admitted to conducting the crime and said the reason “was just for fun.” “Their behavior has damaged the exterior and outward appearance of the cultural heritage spot. We thus appeal to citizens to beware of their own behavior and never indulge in a playful action that infringes upon the law or penal code,” he stated in a press conference.
The five suspects have been transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office, where four of them will be charged for the crime of property damage. The fifth suspect is also believed to have participated in the defacement, as “there are strong indications.” Meanwhile, the PJ will continue to look for the rest of the offenders presumed to be involved.
The spokesperson further revealed that the restoration of the damaged building exterior will cost MOP21,000, and the cost will be temporarily paid by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC).
The IC reported the offence to the police purportedly ten days after it occurred. It then issued a statement demanding that the police find the authors of the graffiti and demand compensation from them. As the Times reported previously, after the incident occurred the bureau stressed that it would reinforce inspections in order to protect the city’s heritage sites.

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