I Int’l Film Festival | MACAU HUB

The IFFAM Industry Hub is more than just a three-day networking platform for directors and financiers – it is a space for more than 400 industry leaders, young professionals and members of the press to engage in honest and lively discussions about the art of moviemaking.

The event revolves around the IFFAM Project Market, previously known as Crouching Tigers Project Lab, which will see 14 filmmakers pitch their ideas in hopes of bringing them to the silver screen.

This year’s Project Market features two local projects – Vincent Hoi’s “Days of Being Trapped” and Oliver Fa’s “Dreaming Girl” – and many more international contributions. The international selection is a true cultural melting pot, featuring Ivo M. Ferreira’s “Projecto Global” and Jeronimo Rocha’s “Daedalus” (both from Portugal), Ivan Sen’s “Loveland” (a joint Australian-Chinese production) as well as writer-directors Pete Teo and Liew Seng Tat’s “The Girl with No Head” (Malaysia). The awards will be announced on the last day of the event.

The Macao Forum will take place on the second day of the Hub, building on last year’s insightful examination of market trends. Film professionals from different countries and backgrounds will have opportunities to exchange industry opinions and insider tips.

The half-day forum will revolve around three main topics: how the cinema can retain consumers in an age where television content is better and more accessible than ever, the relevance and effectiveness of film festivals, and the growth of the mainland Chinese market. It will be followed by a large-scale presentation and happy hour.

The Industry Hub runs from December 9 to 11. On-site registration costs USD150 and provides access to all IFFAM screenings, panels and masterclasses, as well as special event invitations.

Showing today

  • The Competing Films II
  • The IFFAM 2016 Retrospective
  • The Trophy



IFFAM 2941 – I Int’l Film Festival | MACAU HUB

Categories Macau