IPIM: Portuguese businesses to visit Hengqin

After the city’s April marketing campaign in Europe alongside its Chief Executive’s official tour, certain Portuguese businesspeople will visit Macau and inspect Hengqin, the Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute (IPIM) has recently disclosed in a statement.

The IPIM also indicated that several business promotion events were held between March and April, facing businesses in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. With nearly 350 business matching and discussion sessions, the marketing events have led to the closing of 17 deals.

To further promote Hengqin’s role in the development masterplan of Macau, the Economic Development Bureau of the Guangdong-Macao In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin will today organize a global business pitching event, the IPIM revealed.

It added that the event will be the largest of its kind held since the establishment of the zone in Hengqin. It is expected that more than 300 attendees will participate.

The IPIM emphasized that the event will “present to the world the business environment on Hengqin and invite foreign investors to personally inspect the environment in Macau and Hengqin.”

Furthermore, it announced that more such events will be held in the future in other overseas locations. Delegations will also be sent to participate in business pitching events organized by other parties.

Another organization, the British Chamber of Commerce in Macao (BritCham Macao), will host a trip to Hengqin on May 20. Named “a green trip,” the organizer expects participants to see Hengqin’s “smart technology and sustainable waste management practices” during the five-hour trip. AL

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