Lawmaker calls for tougher penalties for electoral corruption

Leonel Alves

Leonel Alves

Commenting on the punishments imposed on members of Chan Meng Kam’s electoral campaign, lawmaker Leonel Alves told Radio Macau that the revisions to electoral laws recently announced by the government should be seen as an opportunity to reflect on the elections held in Macau over the past 20 years.
The lawmaker and Executive Council member noted that it is pernicious for the local political system if the elections are marked by corruption.
“It’s a very difficult question, since it has to do with people’s mentalities, habits, and also with the characteristics of Macau: it’s a small place, the voters are a fragile group, many are migrants or have other cultural backgrounds, and are often linked to associations from certain provinces or cities. If we forbid certain events, like luncheons, they will instead be held in Zhuhai or in their cities, so it’s very difficult to solve that question,” he said.
Mr Alves proposed that some “draconian measures” should be considered, like tougher penalties for those who commit corruption and for those who accept bribes. He also said that trials should be faster in order to avoid sentences years after the elections, when the mandate is close to ending.

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