Rosário says GDI handles excessive workload

2-0630062015The Secretary for Transport and Public Works, Raimundo Rosário, has acknowledged that the Infrastructure Development Office (GDI) is undertaking a workload that by far exceeds what it could take when the office was first established.
The secretary yesterday officiated the inauguration ceremony of the GDI’s new coordinator, Chau Vai Man, where he stated that the Office is “doing everything it can” to compensate for the lack of human resources.
According to Rosário, the GDI is currently overseeing more than forty construction projects varying from small- to large-scale. He said that he is quite confident in the new coordinator’s competency to handle the work.
Chau Vai Man also pledged at the ceremony that the office will strive to improve work performance, to see to each task’s implementation, and to constantly improve the public works – especially in terms of project quality and supervision of construction schedules.
In addition, Chau responded to media inquiries regarding the construction delay of Reclamation Zone A, which is due to a shortage of sand supply. He said that around 70 percent of the reclamation has been completed, and so it is feasible to move up to other construction processes. Accordingly, the GDI has asked contractors to proceed with the project without waiting for sand to be transported to Macau. Moreover, he said that the authorities will solve the issue with sand suppliers in the mainland within the next two months, and that the reclamation will be completed in the first quarter of next year.

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