Shuttles from Macau to HKIA to come soon


Following Macau International Airport’s (MIA) intention to set up a reception area at Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) and the Macau checkpoint of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge (HKZMB), the Transport Bureau (DSAT) has revealed their progress so far in commencing direct shuttle bus services from Macau to HKIA.

In response to an interpellation by lawmaker Ho Ion Sang, the DSAT disclosed that the Hong Kong government is working on the tender for the service.

The bureau also noted that current traffic over the bridge fell within expected levels, while the average occupancy of the two car parks at the Macau checkpoint is 0.74% and 3% respectively. The addition of express public bus routes to the Macau checkpoint during peak seasons is being studied.

Regarding numerous complaints about the insufficient facilities at the immigration building, the DSAT, quoting the Office of the Secretary for Security, stated that the tender is currently being reviewed.

The shuttle bus service from Zhuhai Airport (ZUH) to Hong Kong was launched two days ago, with routes from ZUH to the Hong Kong checkpoint of the HKZMB, HKIA and downtown Hong Kong.

The DSAT hopes the bus will further improve the dynamics between cities in the Greater Bay Area.

The ZUH authority has also expressed their hope of opening routes from the airport to Macau. Routes under consideration include one from ZUH to tourist spots in Macau, one to downtown Macau and one to MIA. Staff reporter

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