Survey finds almost half of local youths unsatisfied with leisure area size

Survey results released yesterday show about 50% of young people believe Macau does not have enough leisure areas.

Conducted by the Macao New Chinese Youth Association, the survey discovered that despite most local residents being satisfied with local parks and leisure areas, they reported that shelters should be improved.

Moreover, only 14% of respondents believed the city had enough leisure venues.

The survey disclosed that 82% respondents reported using local parks or leisure areas. Among them, 43% visited these venues at least once a week. Most used these venues on weekends in the afternoon or public holidays.

Based on the findings, the association suggested that the government add more leisure areas to the city and expedite the construction of the promised coastal promenades. More shelters should be built in local parks and leisure areas, the association said.

In addition, accessible facilities should be improved in local parks and leisure areas. User feedback should be taken into consideration while designing parks and leisure areas, to ensure that the venues were built in a manner that reflected population needs. Lawns at local parks should also be more open to public use. AL

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