Project Poker | Things you learn as a poker player

It has been quite a few years since I first started playing poker, and as you surely know, there is so much more to it than just playing a game

Project Poker: Life Tilt: Where’s your head at?

We all know how devastating tilt can be in our game. You play well, you feel well, you go all in as a huge favourite, and suddenly boom, your hand

PROJECT POKER: Take a drive on the other side

When I was studying to become an Occupational Therapist, one of my favourite courses was Neuroscience - learning about the brain and all the intricacies of how it works. I

PROJECT POKER | Approaching poker like a runner approaches a marathon

I just got home after a three-week trip to the PCA and traveling a bit around the US. While the whole trip was fantastic, I’d like to hone in on

Project Poker | Unboxed memories

I am not the kind of person who loves traveling. Even though I like visiting new places and meeting new people, after a while I miss my modest apartment and

PROJECT POKER: How smart are you…emotionally?

As poker players we’re always trying to improve our “mental games.” There are lots of ways to work on that side of things that don’t necessarily have to happen at

PROJECT POKER: The Ebola Poker Scare

Recently, I was playing poker at the Commerce Casino and heard a player tell a dealer he would send her to Africa so she can get Ebola. Without skipping a

PROJECT POKER: Is Poker a selfish game? Not always.

The end of the year, that time when people start to think about the holidays and also giving to charity. Not coincidentally, there are several different charity poker tournaments happening

PROJECT POKER | Living the live life & working on my brain

I've been playing a lot of live poker over the last few weeks. It was nice to be on the road again, and even nicer to pick up some good

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