World Briefs

TAIWAN A powerful typhoon approaches eastern Taiwan, churning up huge waves and wind that ground fishing boats, commercial ships and planes. CHINA Water levels start to recede in central and eastern

World Briefs

CHINA-UN A U.N. panel says China has arbitrarily detained an American woman in violation of international human rights norms, bringing her case back into public attention ahead of a visit

World Briefs

CHINA-ITALY Silvio Berlusconi’s long quest to find a new owner for his soccer club AC Milan appears to be close to a conclusion with the former Italian prime minister saying

World Briefs

JAPAN Japanese police arrest an American serviceman for alleged drunken driving on Okinawa, days after the lifting of an off-base drinking ban imposed after other alcohol offenses and the arrest

World Briefs

CHINA An overnight sleeper bus in northern China fell off an expressway into a ditch after a tire burst, killing 26 people, officials said. The government in the port city

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CHINA replaces its internet regulator Lu Wei, the hardliner responsible for leading the government’s efforts to tighten control over domestic cyberspace and export the ruling Communist Party’s philosophy of web

World Briefs

SINGAPORE A court sentenced the founder of a website that published anti-foreign content to eight months in jail after he pleaded guilty to sedition. Yang Kaiheng set up “The Real

World Briefs

POLLUTION The International Energy Agency says each year about 6.5 million deaths worldwide are linked to air pollution and warns that the number will grow unless the energy sector steps

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CHINA A tornado and hailstorm killed at least 98 people as it swept over a city’s outskirts of the city of Yancheng in Jiangsu province, destroying buildings, smashing trees and

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CHINA STATE media say a powerful tornado has killed 78 people and destroyed a large number of buildings in the eastern province of Jiangsu. The reports said the tornado formed

World Briefs

CHINA-RUSSIA With President Vladimir Putin heading to China this weekend, officials in both countries extoll a blossoming “strategic partnership” between the two former communist rivals. CAMBODIA plans to deport 21 Taiwanese

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CHINA The city of Yulin went ahead with its annual dog-meat eating festival despite protests from animal rights activists. Vendors slaughtered dogs and cooked their meat in dozens of restaurants

World Briefs

CHINA is restricting TV shows that use formats from abroad such as “The Voice of China,” which is based on a Dutch talent show, in a move it says is

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CHINA’s Foreign Ministry said yesterday that the Indonesian navy opened fire at a Chinese fishing boat in the South China Sea, injuring a fisherman and detaining its seven-man crew. The

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CHINA-SERBIA Chinese President Xi Jinping arrives in Serbia today in an effort to further boost relations with the friendly nation and assert China’s intention to radically increase its presence in

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OBAMA-LAMA President Barack Obama will meet at the White House with the Dalai Lama in a get-together that the Chinese government assailed. SOUTH CHINA SEA Even before a ruling, China may

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CHINA A Chinese peacekeeper killed while serving with the U.N. mission in Mali was given a hero’s funeral in his home province yesterday. State media reports said thousands of people

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CHINA-GERMANY Beijing recognizes European concerns about overcapacity in its steel sector, but believes that is a symptom of the falloff in global demand, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang says to visiting

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CHINA A group of Chinese and American investors, who specialize in real estate, hotel and tourism, have bought 80 percent of French football club Nice for an undisclosed fee. Club

World Briefs

CHINA’s State Oceanic Administration said four officers were killed when a marine surveillance plane crashed into a mountain along the country’s east coast. The accident occurred on Tuesday during a

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