World Briefs

CHINA 34 bodies have been found and four people were still missing following a landslide at the site of a hydropower project after days of heavy rain in southern China,

World Briefs

CHINA’s navy is searching for 17 sailors after their fishing boat collided with another vessel. Three navy ships operating in the East China Sea off the coast of Zhejiang province

World Briefs

NORTH KOREA North Korea shows off a spruced-up capital to droves of international journalists and visitors who have been brought in for some major political theater — the country’s first

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CHINA’s military is appealing to the younger generation with a slick new recruitment video featuring aircraft carriers, tanks and special forces troops, all set to a rousing rap-rock soundtrack. With

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IRAQ The Turkish military says its warplanes have pounded Kurdish rebel positions in northern Iraq, killing 18 militants. The airstrikes targeted Qandil, the mountainous stronghold of the Kurdistan Worker’s Party,

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INDIA Massive wildfires that have killed at least seven people in recent weeks were burning through pine forests in the mountains of northern India yesterday, including parts of two tiger

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SOUTH CHINA SEA Beijing said it will send a warship and special forces for a multinational exercise next month that is also expected to include troops from the Philippines and

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CHINA A Tibetan male character from the “Doctor Strange” comic books presented such a political minefield to Marvel that in the film version they cast a Caucasian woman in the

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CHINA’s national legislature is poised to vote this week on a draft law criticized by overseas governments for tightening controls over foreign non-governmental groups by bringing them under direct police

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CHINA President Xi Jinping says that China must be on guard against nefarious religious influences from abroad. His comments over the weekend follow a tightening of religious space that has

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CHINA Authorities in eastern China have halted plans to build a trash incinerator after rowdy street protests by residents and the arrests of four people. The Haiyan county government in

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SOUTH CHINA SEA China’s Defense Ministry appeared yesterday to confirm a test of an intercontinental missile over disputed waters in the South China Sea. A three-sentence statement posted on the

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CHINA The world’s largest wireless carrier, reported an increase in profit after adding as many 4G subscribers as there are people in the U.K. China Mobile’s net income gained 0.5

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CHINA is marking National Security Education Day with a poster warning young female government workers about dating handsome foreigners who could turn out to have secret agendas. CHINA President Xi Jinping

World Briefs

CHINA The Defense Ministry says a military plane was dispatched to one of China’s new man-made islands in a disputed area of the South China Sea in what is believed

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CHINA’s second-ranking general recently visited the country’s man-made islands in the South China Sea, underscoring defiance in the face of calls by the U.S. and others to cease construction work that they say

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CHINA-AUSTRALIA Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull hailed business ties with China but skirted sensitive political issues yesterday during an official visit to his country’s key trade partner. Today, he’s meeting

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TAIWAN A Mormon missionary from North Ogden has died after he was hit by a car in Taiwan while riding a bike. Mormon church officials said yesterday in a news

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CHINA More than 80 percent of China’s underground water drawn from relatively shallow wells used by farms, factories and mostly rural households is unsafe for drinking because of pollution, a

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HIROSHIMA Foreign ministers from the Group of Seven industrialized countries, meeting yesterday in the atomic-bombed Japanese city of Hiroshima, called for a renewed push for flagging nuclear disarmament efforts as

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