Tariff reduction to be applied for transshipment cargo

A new policy granting tariff reduction to third countries or regions will be implemented, starting from October 1.
The policy, called the Free Trade Agreement Transshipment Facilitation Scheme (FTA Scheme), rules that consignments routed through a third location are qualified to apply for tariff reduction if they remain under the administration of the Customs Services.
The voluntary scheme provides traders with Customs supervision, and issues certificates of non-manipulation to certify transshipment cargo that have not undergone further processing during their stay in Macau.
The cargo will then be regarded as having undergone direct transportation to the third location, and will be eligible for tariff reduction.
The FTA Scheme will cover transshipment cargo in Macau heading for mainland China under several agreements, such as the China-Korea Free Trade Agreement and the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement.
Once the cargo has been approved for tariff reduction, it will be allotted a certain period of time to stay in the city, which can vary in length from 60 days to 12 months.

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