Tourism | New hotels to feature fewer rooms

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The new hotel developments currently under construction in the territory will feature about 36 percent less rooms than those built in 2014.
A statement issued yesterday by the Land, Public Works and Transport Bureau (DSSOPT) indicates that a total of 16 hotels are under construction and 34 others were in the construction project phase.
According to the data presented yesterday, the 16 hotels under construction will bring on line a total of 10,738 rooms, while the ones still in the project phase are expected to include only 8,882 rooms. The figures show a clear tendency for the construction of smaller properties with a reduction both in total construction area and in the number of rooms.
There will be a significant reduction in parking spaces available since the proportion of parking spaces per room will decrease from 0.82 spaces per room for the 16 hotels currently in construction to 0.5 parking spaces per room for the 34 future hotel units now in the project phase.
The majority of the 16 hotels already under construction are located on the peninsula (9), followed by the Cotai area where 5 properties are being built. Coloane and Taipa islands currently have 1 hotel being built each.
In terms of number of rooms, it is evident that the hotels under construction in Cotai are bigger (with about 1,900 rooms per property). On the opposite end of the spectrum is the Macau peninsula, which will feature small hotels where the average number of rooms is about 65 rooms per hotel. In contrast, those in Taipa and Coloane which are being completed feature between 236 and 373 rooms.
As for future developments, the primacy of the Macau peninsula as a location will be made more evident with 28 of the 34 properties to be located here. The size of these hotels tends to be about double that seen previously.
For the Cotai area there are 3 other hotel properties in the planning featuring an average of about 1,622 rooms each. RM

two-star hotel to be built downtown

According to a notice published this week at the Official Gazette, a land plot in Pátio das Flores (close to Avenida da Praia Grande) was granted to Ka Iek Sociedade Unipessoal to build a 2-star hotel. The company is authorized to build a five story building with the premium for the land concession amounting to MOP6.9 million.

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