At the Paris Olympics, it will no longer be personal for Ukraine’s athletes. This time, it’s war

HANNA ARHIROVA & JOHN LEICESTER, KYIV For Ukrainian hurdler Anna Ryzhykova, each stride on the Paris Olympic track will have meaning far beyond the time she

England plays the Netherlands aiming for back-to-back European finals

England can reach back-to-back European Championship finals when it meets the Netherlands in Dortmund in the second semifinal. The winner plays Spain or France in the upcoming

Tourists still flock to Death Valley amid searing heat wave blamed for several deaths

Hundreds of Europeans touring the American West and adventurers from around the U.S. are still being drawn to Death Valley National Park, even though the desolate region

Driverless car hits a person crossing against the light in China

A driverless ride-hailing car in China hit a pedestrian, and people on social media are taking the carmaker’s side, because the person was reportedly crossing against the light.

Li Keqiang’s hawker economy thrives in Mao country

As China’s property downturn continues, local governments are trying to come up with an alternative development model to make ends meet and provide jobs. A few cities may

Wednesday, July 10, 2024 – edition no. 4520

— Community wants Macau to emulate Hong Kong’s example by regulating online ride-hailing platforms through licensing – a move that has long been called for * Time capsule | Macau’s 25-year transformation