Education | Tuition subsidies continue to increase

Tuition subsidies will increase from September 1, according to a notice published yesterday in the    Official Gazette.
The increases are: MOP18,400 per year for preschool education; MOP20,500 for elementary school education; and MOP22,800 for secondary education. These amounts represent increases of MOP600, MOP700 and MOP800 respectively, from the amounts granted last academic year.
In turn, free education allowances provided to schools will also increase by the time the change comes into effect. The amounts, in terms of lower and upper bounds, for the infant and primary education sectors, where the number of students are between 25 and 35, are MOP913.600 and MOP1 million respectively.
As to general secondary education where classes comprise of 25 to 35 students, the subsidy is set at MOP1.2 million per class. Each senior secondary school class of the same size, gets a fixed amount of MOP1.3 million.

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