New arrests for domestic violence

A 53-year-old local man, surnamed Un, was arrested by the Judiciary Police (PJ) for alleged domestic violence, it was announced on Monday.
The incident marks the second domestic violence case arrest since the city’s domestic violence law made such abuse a crime last month.
According to the 42-year-old victim, she and Un, who was the owner of a renovation construction company, have been married since 1997, and have one kid. The victim was a mainland resident who immigrated to Macau after her marriage.
In 2004, Un’s wife found out that he was having an affair with another woman, but did not leave him because she was an immigrant and had no relatives in Macau.
In 2005, Un, partly as a consequence of his alcohol abuse, allegedly started to beat his wife frequently. The victim, afraid she might be beaten again if she reported it to the police, did not ask for assistance from anyone.
It is alleged that on the days of October 10 and 24, Un physically abused his wife, after which the victim headed to the Social Welfare Bureau (IAS) seeking help. IAS arranged temporary accommodation for her as to keep her away from her husband. After moving out, the victim received messages from Un, who pledged to kill her. The victim then reported the abuse to the police on October 25. Un was arrested last Sunday.
According to a talk between elements of the PJ and Un’s 20-year-old daughter, the victim had been suffering from Un’s long-term mental and physical abuse.
Last month, a 39-year-old local man, surnamed Wong, was arrested by the PJ for alleged domestic violence. It marked the first domestic violence case arrest since the city’s domestic laws came into effect. Wong had been abusing his wife for 10 years.

mother arrested for physically abusing six-year-old daughter

Yesterday, a 41-year-old local woman was arrested by the Judiciary Police for abusing her six-year-old daughter.
The abuse was reported by the school where the girl is studying. The mother beat her daughter with a clothing hanger because she did not take a shower on time. The forensics team found several bruises on the victim’s body, which are believed to have been caused over multiple occasions. The suspect was unemployed at the time, and all her income relied on the help of her friends and on her previous savings. She is single and has seven children aged between two to 15 years old. The authority stated that she had a record of physical abuse, relating to offences committed against another child of hers back in January this year

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