Shame on smearers of dynamic clearing policy

That the world has recovered from previous pandemics is by no means a reason that people should do nothing and simply wait for the current pandemic to run

Washington’s liaisons dangerously imprudent

Relations between China and the United States are in a very bad shape now. Perhaps the worst they have been since diplomatic relations were established in 1979.

Banking on getting illusory US protection ruinous gamble for Taiwan secessionists

In recent years, the annual “Han Kuang” military exercises staged by the Taiwan island’s “defense forces” have been plagued by embarrassing mishaps. Last year, the command center even

India’s wheat ban alert of global famine

India banned wheat exports on Saturday with immediate effect, citing food security risks. Indian Commerce Secretary B.V.R. Subrahmanyam said the ban has been imposed “in order to manage

European investment and endless lockdowns in China

On May 5, The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, in partnership with Roland Berger, released a survey on the The introduction in 2022 of more stringent Covid-19 containment

Regional stability the key for Marcos to tap opportunities

Neighbors facing each other across the sea and partners through thick and thin, China and the Philippines have made joint efforts over recent years to consolidate and enhance

Nucleic acid testing for people’s own good

The fight against the novel coronavirus in Beijing continues, with the capital reporting 50 new confirmed cases on Monday. To cut the chain of transmission of the more

Historical mission for younger generation to realize the cause of national rejuvenation

The future of the world is in the hands of the younger generation. A nation can be full of hope that it will enjoy a bright future when

‘Global NATO’ and the long-term precedent

From time to time the proposal for a "global NATO" appears on the table: that is, the extension of NATO's "jurisdiction" to the global scale. According to this idea, NATO and

Greater efforts required to strike right balance

The central decision-makers have made it clear that “lying flat” and “co-existence” with COVID-19 are not an option for the country, and the efficient “dynamic clearing” policy should be

History suggests US won’t be able to prevent a recession

With inflation surging to a new 40-year high and continuing to accelerate, the Fed is expected to lift interest rates by a half-percentage point at the end of

Pandemic fight boost Sri Lanka-China ties

The friendship between the island country of Sri Lanka and China has been nurtured through the maritime Silk Road for centuries. Today, the two countries have close relations

The financing of the BRI

The estimated overall cost of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is, by nature, ill-defined as there are still projects being discussed and several of those agreed upon may not

US the one that doesn’t want to talk

In an interview with Voice of America last week, George Friedman, the US geopolitical forecaster and strategist, said that, “I think the reality that China needs to face

Dynamic clearing most cost-reducing approach

Beijing announced 22 new novel coronavirus infections on Tuesday, raising the total number to 92 since the virus was detected in the capital on Friday. The authorities

How is Trans-Dniester related to war in Ukraine?

Among the sites of the former Soviet Union’s “frozen conflicts,” a long and narrow strip of land in Moldova has been the most stable for three decades. Trans-Dniester

These energy innovations could transform how we mitigate climate change, and save money in the process

To most people, a solar farm or a geothermal plant is simply a power producer. Scientists and engineers see far more potential. They envision

Proper trash disposal can help us win fight against virus

Several Chinese cities and provinces are facing a novel coronavirus resurgence, with strict pandemic prevention and control measures, even lockdowns if necessary, being implemented in places where infection

Globalization, China and the war in Ukraine

Since implementing economic reforms in 1979, with the opening to foreign trade and investment, China experienced One of the factors contributing to this growth is globalization.

Well-designed coupons can help increase consumption

China’s GDP grew 4.8 percent in the first quarter of this year despite the pressures of a complicated and grimmer international environment and rising COVID-19 infections in some

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