1965 Last farewell to Churchill

Silent crowds lined the streets to watch the gun carriage bearing Sir Winston’s coffin leave Westminster Hall as Big Ben struck 0945. The procession travelled slowly

1945 Auschwitz death camp liberated

The Red Army has liberated the Nazis’ biggest concentration camp at Auschwitz in south-western Poland. According to reports, hundreds of thousands of Polish people, as well

1961 John F Kennedy sworn in as US president

The Democrat John F Kennedy has been sworn in as the youngest ever elected president of the United States. The 43-year-old Roman Catholic was inaugurated as the

1966 Indira Gandhi takes charge in India

Indira Gandhi, only daughter of India’s first prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru, is to become the country’s next leader. She was chosen at the end of a

1996: UK: Green groups join bypass battle

Six major environmental organisations today added their support to the growing anti-bypass campaign in Newbury, Berkshire. Friends of the Earth, the Council for British Archaeology, Greenpeace

1995 Earthquake devastates Kobe

Hundreds of people are feared dead and thousands injured after a powerful earthquake struck Japan at dawn. Worst hit was the port of Kobe, a city of

1979 Shah of Iran flees into exile

The Shah of Iran has fled the country following months of increasingly violent protests against his regime. Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlevi and his wife, Empress Farah,

1993 Allies bomb Iraq

American, British and French fighter jets have carried out a series of bombing raids over southern Iraq. The Iraqis have repeatedly breached the “no-fly zone” set

1976 Crime writer Agatha Christie dies

The most popular novelist in the world, Dame Agatha Christie, has died leaving rumours of a multi-million pound fortune and a final book waiting to be published.

1973 First Open University degrees awarded

The first graduates from the Open University (OU) have been awarded their degrees after two years studying from home. Out of the 1,000 students who sat

1996 King of Jordan in historic Tel Aviv visit

King Hussein of Jordan has made his first public visit to Israel’s largest city, Tel Aviv, in the latest indication of the new warmth between the two

1986 Heseltine quits over Westland

The Defence Secretary, Michael Heseltine, has resigned from his Cabinet job in a row with Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher over the Westland affair. Mr Heseltine

1994 Mystery assailant attacks top US skater

An unknown man brandishing a metal crowbar has attacked American figure-skater Nancy Kerrigan. The 24-year-old skater was forced to withdraw from the US national championships in Detroit

1985 Israel ends major Ethiopian rescue mission

Israel has airlifted thousands of Jewish Ethiopian refugees out of Sudan, it has emerged. Operation Moses, which has been taking place in secret since 21

1951 Communist forces to re-take Seoul

Chinese and North Korean troops are reported to be close to capturing the South Korean capital of Seoul for the second time since the war began last

2002 Diana Ross arrested for drink-driving

Motown singer Diana Ross has been arrested by police on suspicion of drinking and driving after her car was seen swerving across a road. The 58-year-old performer

1975 New laws to end battle of the sexes

Radical new legislation introducing a woman’s right to equal pay and status in the workplace and in society have come into force in the UK. The

1989 Brandenburg Gate re-opens

Berlin’s most famous landmark the Brandenburg Gate has been opened for the first time in almost three decades. Thousands of people spilled on to the city’s streets

1989 US forces oust General Noriega

American troops have invaded Panama in a bid to oust dictator Manuel Noriega. Around 200 civilians, 19 US soldiers and 59 Panamanian troops are believed to

1984 Britain signs over Hong Kong to China

The British colony of Hong Kong is to be returned to China in 1997 after an historic agreement was signed in Peking today. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher