2000 UK fuel protesters go back home

The fuel protests which have paralysed Britain for seven days, causing a crisis in the NHS, emptying supermarkets shelves and closing schools, have ended.  The last

1982 Hollywood princess dead

The Hollywood actress Grace Kelly - who starred in the Alfred Hitchcock hits Dial M for Murder and Rear Window - suffered a brain haemorrhage.

1993 Rabin and Arafat shake on peace deal

The Prime Minister of Israel, Yitzhak Rabin, and the PLO leader, Yasser Arafat, have shaken hands before cheering crowds on the White House lawn in Washington. The

1976 Chairman Mao Zedong dies

His death - at 10 minutes past midnight - was announced by the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, the State Council, the Standing Committee

2000 French fuel protests spread to UK

The fuel protests which have been crippling France for the past week have now reached Britain with a series of actions across the country. The protesters -

1992 Troops kill 24 at ANC rally

At least 24 people have been killed and 150 injured when soldiers fired on an African National Congress demonstration on the border of Ciskei in South Africa.

1997 Diana’s funeral watched by millions

Britain and the world have said farewell to Diana, Princess of Wales, at the end of an unprecedented week of mourning. A four mile procession brought her

1997 Mother Teresa dies

She died of a heart attack at the headquarters of the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta shortly before 1700 BST.  The nun from Skopje,

1979 Ripper suspected of 12th murder

Police have discovered the body of a young woman - thought to be the 12th victim of the “Yorkshire Ripper” - in an alleyway near the centre of Bradford.

1939 Germany invades Poland

German forces have invaded Poland and its planes have bombed Polish cities, including the capital, Warsaw. The attack comes without any warning or declaration of war.

1959 Anglo-US TV debate makes history

British prime minister Harold Macmillan (pictured) and American president Dwight Eisenhower have given an historic live television broadcast from Downing Street. Among the subjects the two leaders

1980 Polish workers win trade union rights

Striking Polish workers have won a sweeping victory in a two-month battle with their Communist rulers for the right to independent trade unions and the right to strike.

1975 Rhodesia peace talks fail

Talks between the Rhodesian Government and the African National Council (ANC) have collapsed acrimoniously. Negotiations to bring about a cease fire in the civil war broke

1993: Michael Jackson accused of child abuse

Police in Los Angeles are investigating allegations of child abuse made against singer Michael Jackson. They have refused to give details but it has emerged that two

1985 West German spy chief defects to East

The head of West German counter-intelligence has been unmasked as an East German spy. Hans-Joachim Tiedge’s treachery became known after he defected to East Germany yesterday.

1978 Kenya’s founding father dies

Kenya’s president, Jomo Kenyatta, has died at his home in Mombasa. An official announcement on Voice of Kenya radio said Mr Kenyatta died peacefully in his sleep on Tuesday

2003 UN envoy dies in Baghdad bombing

A massive bomb has wrecked the United Nations headquarters in Baghdad, killing at least 17 people including the UN’s chief envoy to Iraq, Sergio Vieira de Mello.

1969 Woodstock music festival ends

Thousands of young people are heading home after three days and nights of sex, drugs and rock and roll at the Woodstock music festival. An estimated 400,000

1998 Clinton admits Lewinsky affair

President of the United States Bill Clinton has admitted having an inappropriate relationship with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky. In a televised address Mr Clinton told

1977 Rock and roll ‘king’ Presley dies

Elvis Presley, whose singing and style revolutionized popular music in the 1950s, has died. Presley, 42, was discovered slumped in a bathroom at his mansion in Memphis,