Education Macau-wide English Speech Contest winners announced


The 15th Macau-wide English Speech Contest and the 21st Century National English Speaking Competition Macao Regional Contest took place over the weekend.

The contest was established in 2002 to promote the use of English in Macau and to promote the teaching of the English language.

The contest is organized by the Macao Polytechnic Institute (IPM)) in partnership with several other entities. Since its fourth edition in 2005, the competition has enjoyed a nationwide affiliation with China Daily’s National English Speaking Competition. Over the years, many of the winners have advanced to the national English-speaking competition. This year’s winners were Devara Gabriel Wangke (Lower Primary School Category); Jade Catherine Alberti (Upper Primary School Category); Sarah Ruas Dias Soares (Junior High School Category); Mariana Caldeira Copeto Castro Maçarico (Senior High School Category); Cheung Pui Weng (College Category) and Joana Cheong Mesquita Ferreira (Open Category).

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