SSM claims strict law enforcement regarding tobacco control

The Health Bureau (SSM) has claimed that it has been strictly carrying out law enforcement regarding tobacco control inside casinos, according to a statement released by the bureau on this week.

The SSM’s statement came out after a group of 300 casino employees held a demonstration last Monday afternoon, accusing the government for its lack of supervision over illegal smoking inside casinos.

The group, led by the New Macau Gaming Staff Rights Association, delivered a letter to the SSM’s tobacco control department which requested a reply. 

The group also urged the government to punish casino managers who allow illegal smoking inside gambling facilities.   

“SSM received the association’s opinion regarding tobacco control inside casinos. SSM expressed that it places great importance [on the matter] and will analyze and follow up [on the situation],” the SSM statement reads.

“Regarding the suggestions proposed by the group, which include establishing a blacklist of illegal smokers in casinos and applying a fine of MOP15,000 to casinos that do not perform their duties as the supervisor of the casino. The SSM states that there are no relevant regulations in accordance with the current tobacco control laws. In any case, SSM welcomes opinions so that it [can] continuously improve the relevant laws,” the bureau says, claiming that “nevertheless, SSM will strictly enforce the law in accordance with the current laws.”

“In fact, casinos’ working environment has changed significantly since the new tobacco control law came into effect. [The environment changed] from full clouds of smog to today’s high-standard set across all smoking lounges,” the SSM stated. “[Nowadays] casino employees can work in a smoke-free environment.”

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